Shore hardness tester Shore hardness tester for checking hardness of rubber. Shore hardness tester Quick Contact E-mail Name Product / Message / Contact Information / Company 4 + 3 = Send
POY Spinning and Winding Category : SpinningEconomically priced machines of a very mature design to spin POY and FOY at high speed. We offer spinning machines...
R-51-HS / CFC-FREE Silicone Spinneret Spray Category : SpinningSARASIL® Spinneret Spray is a proprietary aerosol product having high termal stable silicone oil as its primary ingredient. The main feature...
Automatic Cot Grinding Machine Table Traverse Principle Category : Machines, SpinningTable traverse principle Grinding stone rotates on its self axis & job (Cast Iron table) will move to and fro. The...
Trolley for TEXTILE Industry Category : SpinningTransportation for bobbins, Doffing and roving bobbins at Simplex. Transport all types of bobbins and also for Steaming, Humidifying and controlling of bobbin....