eAFK & AFK Parts PolySpinTex eAFK & AFK Parts We offer only OEM quality parts guaranteed to work for you. Quick Contact E-mail Name Product / Message / Contact Information / Company 3 + 3 = Send
Texturing / Spinning Aprons and Cots Category : Spare PartsPolySpinTex, Texturing / Spinning Aprons and Cots We offer quality aprons and cots for high speed texturing processes and spinning...
Ceramic and Metal Friction Disks Category : Spare PartsPolySpinTex, Inc. Ceramic and Metal Friction Disks We offer highest quality ceramic and metal entry and exit disks in all...
Bobbins Category : Spare PartsWe offer a comprehensive range of double flanged and single flanged bobbins designed to meet the specific needs of various...
PU Friction Disks Category : Spare PartsPolySpinTex, Inc. PST PU Friction Disks We offer highest quality PU disks for high speed texturing. These disks will give...