Cot Mounting / De-Mounting Machine
Hydraulic Cot Mounting / De-Mounting Machine
Sturdy & Smooth in working
• Vertical Zone: For mounting & de-mounting of smaller cots like Ring frames, Speed frame rollers.
• Horizontal Zone: For mounting de-mounting of longer cots like Draw frames, Comer, Sliver lap etc.
• Both zones are Hydraulically operated thus achieves 100% smoothness in performance.
• Working pressure can be adjusted according to the requirement.
• Without any operational constrain, operator can work together on both the zones.
Mounting & De-Mounting of all types of Cots like Ring frame, Speed frame, Comber, Ribbon laps, OE cots, Normal or with Alucore can be done on the same machine without any disturbance.

For mounting & de-mounting of small rubber cots of Ring frame, Speed frame, O/E, texturing by means of pneumatic press.

Economic solution for mounting & De-mounting of small rubber cots on Ring frame, Speed frame, O/E, texturing top roller by means of manual operation.